Study weighs using more tribal wind energy; Comment period ends Feb. 13
Andrea J. Cook, January 18, 2009 (Rapid City Journal)
“Using wind-generated power to supplement electricity produced by hydroelectric plants on the Missouri River could have financial advantages, but only at certain times, according to an initial study released by Western Area Power Administration.
”Officials with Western were in Rapid City this week to review the findings of an initial study on the impact that wind power produced on tribal lands could have on the power supply in Western's Upper Great Plains Region. The region encompasses North and South Dakota and portions of Montana, Nebraska, and Iowa.
“A public comment period on the draft study closes Feb. 13. Western's goal is to submit a proposal for a further study to Congress by May…"

”Supplementing hydropower generated by the river with wind power has its advantages during periods of low and normal water levels…
”Several tribes, along with the Intertribal Council on Utility Power were involved in the initial phase of the study…”
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