Solar energy: Q & A with L.A. mayoral candidates; Contestants in the March 3 primary describe their stances on Measure B, a solar energy measure that proposes putting photovoltaic cells on roofs and parking lots across Los Angeles.
William Nottingham, February 13, 2009 (LA Times)
"Should the city of Los Angeles…as a March 3 ballot measure [Measure B] proposes…put 400 megawatts' worth of photovoltaic cells on roofs and parking lots across town? … Here are excerpts of [the 10 mayoral candidates] responses."
From Carlos Alvarez: "Our city is choking on traffic and smog. Increasing the use of solar power is central to this. But Measure B takes the unfortunate step of forcing working taxpayers to pay for it, in part, through a bond…Because of this, I do not support it…As mayor, I would vastly expand the use of solar power and renewable energy sources to promote a clean and safe environment. This should be funded by steep taxes and penalties placed on polluting corporations doing business in L.A…."
From James Harris: "My campaign does not support Measure B."

From David R. Hernandez: "The idea of solar energy is exciting and is already being demonstrated to be worthwhile. LAUSD as well as the Community College District have and are in the process of installing solar panels at their facilities. All without Measure B. Notwithstanding the process in which it reached the ballot, I am opposed to it, as it creates a serious and risk laden charter amendment change giving the City Council and mayor a dubious power over future rate increase abilities. The lack of open bidding on installation creates a serious financial challenge to the residents of Los Angeles."
From Phil Jennerjahn: "Absolutely not. Measure B is almost organized crime by the mayor and the IBEW [International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the union for Department of Water and Power employees who would install the solar panels]. The issuing of a $3.6-billion solar energy contract with no open bidding or free market competition is certain to skyrocket the eventual cost. Measure B is a huge payoff to the IBEW for their votes."
From Walter Moore: "I oppose Measure B. . . . It is little more than a vague plan to come up with a plan. Measure B, moreover, would unjustifiably give the DWP a monopoly or near-monopoly over solar power. I would prefer to see local businesses compete with one another to provide the best possible service and lowest prices to consumers. After all, this particular form of power -- unlike a massive coal or nuclear power plant -- lends itself to decentralized ownership and control. Nor has Villaraigosa shown how much his proposal would cost us, and why we should put all our "eggs" in the solar basket rather than alternatives like wind power, on which Germany relies, or nuclear power, on which France and Japan rely."

From Craig Rubin: "The measure is flawed because it calls for a contract that is dependent on federal assistance and doesn't have open bidding for different unions… The United States of America currently produces 280 megawatts of solar power. This measure would mandate that the city of Los Angeles produce 400 megawatts…DWP customers pay 2 cents per kilowatt-hour of coal-produced electricity, and this… system will produce electricity…at a cost of 45 cents per kilowatt-hour."
From David "Zuma Dogg" Saltsburg: "Not only do I not support Measure B, if I have one message to get across to voters this election season, it is please vote "No" on Measure B. The measure was rushed onto the ballot…It will drive up the cost of DWP rates…solar energy is good. But this is an extremely risky plan that reports say may cost at least double the initial proposed cost. It's a blank check for an aggressive plan that DWP is not ready to take on. But the worst part is…There was no competitive bid for the program… this is about…helping the mayor secure his reelection…"

From Antonio Villaraigosa: "Measure B is the first installment of a solar plan that will provide the city of Los Angeles with 400 megawatts of in-basin solar power by 2014. Ultimately this comprehensive plan will provide 1,200 megawatts of solar energy by 2020 -- making Los Angeles the solar capital of the world. Measure B will create thousands of good, middle-class jobs in solar installation and maintenance. It establishes a job-training and outreach academy focusing on job creation in underserved neighborhoods throughout L.A. . . . Measure B also contains strong accountability provisions including annual audits by the city controller and a citizens oversight committee to ensure that this program is developed and implemented in an efficient and transparent manner."
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