Department of Energy opens electric car stimulus programs
Lindsay Riddell, March 23, 2009 (Washington Business Journal)
"The Department of Energy has begun accepting applications for two electric vehicle programs funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
"The DOE has allotted $400 million to establish development, demonstration, evaluation, and education projects “to accelerate the market introduction and penetration of advanced electric drive vehicles.” Applications are due May 13."
"…DOE also is accepting applications for grants to support the construction of US-based manufacturing plants for building batteries and electric drive components and has made $2 billion available for…the Electric Drive Vehicle Battery and Component Manufacturing Initiative."

"The grants represent the first two energy-related programs funded through the $787 billion federal stimulus package to take applications.
"Both programs are through the DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Office of Vehicle Technologies. The DOE has $32.7 billion in grant money to distribute from the federal stimulus package…$5 billion for weatherization…$3.1 billion for state energy programs…$2 billion for advanced batteries manufacturing…$6.7 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy…$6 billion for environmental management…$4.5 billion for electricity transmission technologies…$3.4 billion for fossil energy research and development and other provisions."
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