Salazar pushes for wind energy
Dina Cappiello and H. Josef Hebert (w/Matthew Daly and Mary Clare Jalonick), March 9, 2009 (AP)
"Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said Monday that the waters off the Atlantic coast hold some of the country's greatest wind energy potential, and he promised to move aggressively to develop plans to exploit the resource…Salazar called for the creation of "renewable energy zones" to smooth development of offshore wind projects and to spur solar energy in the Southwest and onshore wind energy in the Great Plains…
"Salazar said that states like New Jersey and Delaware are "raring to go" with wind energy projects. But he acknowledged that officials in other coastal states, such as Massachusetts, are divided…A $1 billion project to erect 130 giant wind turbines off Cape Cod has long been opposed by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., who has argued it would kill birds, endanger sea life and imperil the area's tourism and fishing industries. The state's Democratic governor, Deval Patrick supports it."

"Salazar on Monday said the project "makes sense… From what I know of the Cape Cod wind project it is a good project…" …When asked about opposition, Salazar…it is a "false choice" to pit aggressive development of renewable energy against the protection of the country's wildlife and treasured landscapes…
"…Salazar said he wants to…Review objections to oil and gas leasing in Alaska's Bristol Bay and the Chukchi Sea…Take another look at a Bush administration regulation allowing loaded firearms in national parks… Resolve a 12-year-old Indian trust lawsuit in which the government is accused of swindling Native Americans…
"Salazar said that on many issues involving the Interior Department, the Bush administration took short cuts that didn't fully account for science. He said the presidential memorandum signed Monday by President Barack Obama would help to restore science at the department on issues ranging from climate and energy to endangered species…"
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