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Some details about NewEnergyNews and the man behind the curtain: Herman K. Trabish, Agua Dulce, CA., Doctor with my hands, Writer with my head, Student of New Energy and Human Experience with my heart



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  • ---------------
  • Thursday, April 9, 2009


    Solar energy debated
    Rachelle Gines, April 8, 2009 (AP via San Jose Mercury News)

    "…[T]he solar energy industry will have a major impact on Nevada's economy, assuming that tax abatements are offered to attract such companies to the state…Industry-sponsored studies show that current tax abatement polices set to expire in June should be continued and enhanced, which would make Nevada "by a small margin" more competitive in Arizona and California in attracting solar energy developers…

    "…SB331 would cut property taxes imposed on solar energy generating facilities by 75 percent for 25 years, and would abate local school support taxes imposed on property used in construction or operation of such facilities by 75 percent for 10 years. Other taxes for education wouldn't be cut…"

    If you had this much sun, you'd be passing incentives, too. (click to enlarge)

    "Assemblyman Marcus Conklin, D-Las Vegas, questioned the number of long-term jobs that the solar energy industry would create and called the tax revenue lost under the bill "substantial…"

    "…[Studies show] the potential economic gain from solar energy activity offsets the cost of basic government services needed because of the initial influx of power plant construction workers."

    New Energy and Energy Efficiency provide more jobs than Old Energy. (click to enlarge)

    "Another industry study showed that solar energy development over the next seven years could create close to 6,000 construction jobs per year, 1,200 full-time plant operation jobs and close to $11 billion in the generation of goods and services…[and] $500 million in sales and property taxes would be paid to the state over the life of solar energy projects if tax abatements are approved…SB152 would use federal stimulus money to create renewable energy jobs

    "…AB522 would tax solar, wind and other clean energy produced in the state. It would extend upfront tax breaks for building renewable energy plants in Nevada, and new revenue would fund a renewable energy commission, energy-efficiency rebates and a program to help Nevada customers with power bills…Critics of the proposal have asked why lawmakers would tax the clean energy they are trying to promote instead of the pollution-creating energy they want to replace."


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