Wilton Library installs solar energy system
Janel Crystal, April 16, 2009 (Wilton Bulletin)
"Wilton Library announces the first installation of the new modular Solar StationTM on the roof of the library. The Solar Station from NXGSolar in Norwalk, is a pre-built solar energy module that streamlines the process of installing solar panels. The library hopes to expand by adding additional modules as funds for the project are raised…
"The roof of the library can accommodate 200 Solar Station modules, which could generate 90% of the library’s annual electricity needs and save the library $100,000 per year in energy costs."

"Visitors to the library can learn more about the solar panels via a touch-screen kiosk in the library entry, which guides visitors through the benefits of solar with links to the Live Data and an overview of the Solar Station. The benefits of solar are compelling…
"The Solar Station is a 350-watt unit, comprising two solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, two inverters, and all the wiring needed to connect the system to the building’s power system. One unit can generate enough energy to power 40 energy-efficient light bulbs. Several unique features make the Solar Station a viable solar energy solution for the library:
"…The modular design… means the project can be specified, designed, and implemented faster than standard solar installations. Designed for roof or ground mounts, there is no special wiring…The module comes pre-assembled and once it is connected, additional units can be attached…"

"There is no need to penetrate or modify the roof. The Solar Station comes with a unique ballast system…An aluminum tank is filled with biodegradable liquid and the weight anchors the module…This feature not only saves time and money in installation, but makes it easy to accommodate a roof repair or a move in location.
"…The amount of electricity being generated at any time of day can be monitored via the Web or at the kiosk in the library. Historic data can be tracked as well as the specific environmental benefits, or equivalents."
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