S.F. mayor makes campaign stop at biofuel company
Ronald W. Powell, April 23, 2009 (San Diego Union Tribune)
"San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom took an Earth Day tour of [Sapphire Energy, a company launched in 2007 that is working to convert algae to an environmentally friendly biofuel for use in autos and airliners]… on his first full day of campaigning after formally announcing… for the 2010 California governor's race.
"Newsom…[a] 41-year-old Democrat [and] the youngest San Francisco mayor in a century, touted his green credentials following the tour that ended in a room where algae, as green as pea soup, sat in agitating beakers and bubbled in long cylindrical plastic bags."

"He said his city has reduced greenhouse gases, partially blamed for global warming, by 6 percent below 1990 levels. The city has aggressive environmental building standards, a slew of solar projects, and is the first U.S. city to ban plastic shopping bags in large supermarkets and chain pharmacies…[H]e said companies like Sapphire Energy have the possibility of creating “green-collar jobs” that improve the environment and the struggling economy…
"But Newsom said he will not be a one-issue candidate as he seeks to replace Republican Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. His competition on the Democratic side includes former two-time governor and current state Attorney General Jerry Brown and possibly Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, both of whom were leading Newsom in a Field Poll released last month."

"He also must look over his shoulder to see if well-respected U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a former San Francisco mayor, chooses to enter the race. Polls show she would be the favorite…
"Newsom said his city is the only one in the country to approve universal health care and… he will work to improve access to health care statewide…[H]e will support budget-fixing Propositions 1A and 1B on the May 19 ballot…[S]ome voters will not accept his support for same-sex marriage but hopes they analyze his positions…"
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