BLM to get $300 million for stimulus projects
Kathleen Hennessey, May 3, 2009 (AP)
"The Interior Department is sending more than $300 million in federal stimulus money to the Bureau of Land Management to update its facilities and jump-start renewable energy projects across the country…
"…[T]he 650 approved projects will "restore our landscapes and our watersheds" and help fulfill the Obama administration's target for renewable energy development."

"…[T]he announcement [was made] at the Red Rock Conservation Area outside Las Vegas… one of several facilities slated to receive solar panels under the effort.
"The money is part of the $3 billion sent to the Interior Department under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The $787 billion stimulus bill was intended to spur economic growth and revive the nation's flagging economy."

"…[DOI has] no estimate on how many jobs would be created by the $305 million in BLM spending announced Saturday. The total allocation to the Interior Department is expected to create roughly 100,000 new jobs…
"The largest chunk of the funding — roughly $143 million — will go toward new construction, deferred maintenance and energy efficiency upgrades on existing facilities…
"The spending also will include $37 million in habitat restoration, $53.4 million in abandoned mine cleanup and $15 million to construct and repair recreational trails…"
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