Clean Energy Ensures Future Growth, FPL Chairman Tells Shareholders
Alison Kroulek, May 25, 2009 (greenstocks)
"Lew Hay, FPL Groups Chairman and CEO, advised FPL shareholders at the company’s annual meeting that FPL’s investments in alternative energy will pay off in continued growth. FPL’s investment in clean energy sources like wind power and solar power are not only good for the environment, they are also good for the company’s bottom line-especially if the government starts taxing carbon emissions…"
[Lew Hay, Chairman/CEO, FPL Groups:] “FPL Group has one of the lowest emissions rates in the sector. In fact, if every utility were as clean as FPL Group, CO2 emissions from the power sector would be reduced by nearly 50 percent and total U.S. carbon emissions would be reduced by 20 percent. That’s the equivalent of removing 209 million cars from the road, or roughly 80 percent of all vehicles in the nation…”

[Lew Hay, Chairman/CEO, FPL Groups:] “The true test of companies is not how well they perform in a booming economy. It is how well they perform in the face of a challenge…[FPL Group’s strong performance in the current economic downturn is] a powerful endorsement of our strategy, our commitment to financial discipline, and our dedicated and talented employees.”

"FPL Group’s success in 2008 contributed to the company’s strong performance relative to its peers…as measured by both total shareholder return and growth in market capitalization."
[Lew Hay, Chairman/CEO, FPL Groups:] “Consider this one simple fact: A dollar invested in the S&P 500 at the end of 2001 was worth 90 cents at the end of 2008. A dollar invested in FPL Group had more than doubled to $2.17…”
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