Unique solar power factory dedicated in N.M.; Company building photovoltaic panels as well as tubes for solar farms
May 12, 2009 (AP via MSNBC)
"Schott Solar has formally dedicated its flagship U.S. manufacturing plant — the first in the world capable of producing both photovoltaic panels for homes and businesses and thermal receivers for large-scale solar power plants.
"The latter are for a growing industry segment: solar thermal farms that use huge parabolic mirrors to harness the sun. The receivers sit at the focal point of the mirrors. Fluid inside the receivers is heated and then flows to a heat exchanger, which creates steam. The steam spins a turbine, creating energy with no carbon emissions."

"Company officials and state leaders see the plant as a model as the nation looks to expand renewable energy production and curb emissions from electricity generation…
"…As one of the company's largest operations in the U.S., the [the 200,000-square-foot plant on the city's southern edge] has hired more than 300 workers and plans to be operating at full capacity in the next two months…Schott has invested more than $100 million in the local economy with the construction of the plant and plans to quadruple its size and work force over the long term with additional investments of up to $400 million…"

"Gov. Bill Richardson said the investment bodes well for New Mexico's efforts to attract other companies, particularly those involved in the advancement of renewable energy…[O]fficials said they are ecstatic about Schott's success given that other companies have been forced to postpone projects and lay off workers in recent months due to the economy. Schott planned and financed the new plant long before the economic downturn…
"…[G]uests toured the plant Friday as workers inspected materials and large robotic arms moved solar panels and receiver tubes made of specially coated glass and steel through the production process…House Speaker Ben Lujan, D-Santa Fe, watched as workers prepared some of the solar panels for shipping at the end of the production line…saying the state's work to offer incentives to companies like Schott is beginning to pay off…"
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