Every day is Earthday.

Some details about NewEnergyNews and the man behind the curtain: Herman K. Trabish, Agua Dulce, CA., Doctor with my hands, Writer with my head, Student of New Energy and Human Experience with my heart



Your intrepid reporter


    A tip of the NewEnergyNews cap to Phillip Garcia for crucial assistance in the design implementation of this site. Thanks, Phillip.


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  • Wednesday, June 10, 2009


    Clean energy is the best option for U.S.
    Carl Pope, June 7, 2009 (SF Chronicle)

    "Global warming and unsustainable energy dependence are the foremost environmental issues of our time; they are also the signature economic issues of our day…America's energy future must create millions of new jobs; reduce our dependence on oil; shift American energy production toward cleaner, cheaper sources like wind and solar; reduce global warming pollution; and protect the planet for our children and grandchildren.

    "In many places, a shift to wind energy is well under way…The American Solar Energy Society reports that in 2007, renewable energy and energy efficiency provided more than 9 million jobs and $1.045 billion in revenue in the United States - and that as many as 37 million jobs can be generated by the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries in the country by 2030…Americans want clean energy - and they want clean cars, too…"

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    "A clean-energy economy will also revitalize the now-languishing U.S. manufacturing sector, and it will create the industries of tomorrow…The opportunities abound not just for clean-energy jobs but also for consumer savings…But right now, we are walking a precipitous line. As the clean-energy bill is being debated now in the House of Representatives, we are watching the usual suspects try to weaken it…Big Oil, Big Coal and dirty-power companies are extracting a steep price at the expense of renewable energy, energy efficiency and other provisions…[W]e should be shifting U.S. energy production toward clean energy sources much more quickly than business as usual…

    "Polluters must pay for their global warming pollution - and those funds should spur investments in clean energy; protect consumers, wildlife and vulnerable communities; and promote job creation rather than rewarding the polluters."

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    "America's clean-energy future should not only benefit the biggest companies, but it should offer opportunities to people from all communities…Now is the time to work together on a clean-energy economy. President Obama is already building coalitions with groups that have not always seen eye-to-eye... Securing a clean-energy economy means all of us sitting down at the table together…

    "I believe in America's ability to innovate and solve big problems. We've proved time and time again we can rise to the occasion … just look at the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act and laws to reduce acid rain…America should be a leader…We have the ingenuity to solve these problems. We must all act now…"


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