State grants permit to Cape Wind
June 30, 2009 (New England Business Bulletin)
"The Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board has voted 7-0 to authorize a Certificate of Environmental Impact for the Cape Wind offshore wind energy project. The board effectively granted nine state and local permits required for the project to proceed.
"In doing so, the board overrode the 2007 decision by the Cape Cod Commission to deny a Development of Regional Impact permit for the electrical cable needed to connect the federal waters of Horseshoe Shoal, where the wind farm will be, with the mainland."

"Barring a second appeal to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court, which has already ruled on behalf of the Siting Board once, the project has completed its state and local permitting process."

"It was an extensive process, taking seven years…Energy and Environmental Affairs Secretary Ian Bowles said that the project is ready to proceed.
"Federal review processes are expected to conclude soon when Interior Secretary Ken Salazar issues a Record of Decision on Cape Wind. The Minerals Management Services of the Interior Department has already issued a favorable Final Environmental Impact Statement…"
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