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Some details about NewEnergyNews and the man behind the curtain: Herman K. Trabish, Agua Dulce, CA., Doctor with my hands, Writer with my head, Student of New Energy and Human Experience with my heart



Your intrepid reporter


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  • ---------------
  • Wednesday, August 5, 2009


    Industry slams reports of "Wind Turbine Syndrome"
    James Murray, 4 August 2009 (Business Green)

    "The wind energy industry has vigorously rejected new research from the US suggesting some residents living close to wind farms are susceptible to a collection of health risks dubbed "Wind Turbine Syndrome".

    "The British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) accused the study of being based on an "unscientific" sample and running counter to wider-ranging research that suggests wind turbines do not pose health risks."

    Is excessive exuberance a symptom of the syndrome? (click to enlarge)

    "…Dr Nina Pierpont, a New York paediatrician, will this autumn publish a book detailing her research into the impact of the noise and vibrations caused by wind turbines on the health of nearby residents…She [said] her research showed that Wind Turbine Syndrome exists and that the infrasonic to ultrasonic noise and vibrations emitted by wind turbines caused about 12 different symptoms, including abnormal heart beats, sleep disturbance, headaches, tinnitus, nausea, visual blurring, panic attacks and general irritability…

    "However, according to a draft copy of the section of the book intended for non-clinicians that is available on Dr Pierpont's web site, much of the research appears to be based on interviews with just 10 families living near wind turbines ranging in size from 1.5MW to 3MW, resulting in a sample of 38 people."

    Doesn't seem to spoil the milk. (click to enlarge)

    "A spokesman for the BWEA said that the size of the sample group and the methodology for the study "simply does not stack up scientifically…This is research based on the symptoms of 38 unspecified people in a small number of unspecified locations…" …[A] recent, more extensive study by acousticians at Salford University had concluded that there were no health risks arising from the noise from wind turbines.

    "…The BWEA also pointed out that there was no evidence of the existence of Wind Turbine Syndrome from [countries like Germany and Denmark].with the highest density of wind turbines… "In Germany, they have deployed 15,000 turbines in the past 20 years, and yet there has been no detectable increase in any of these health symptoms identified as being caused by turbines…" …[T]he BWEA [said] the wind sector was fully engaged with health concerns and had invested millions in researching noise issues…"


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