ASES/MISI analysis shows that renewable energy and energy efficiency can reduce U.S. carbon emissions 60-80%, generate millions of jobs and are revenue neutral or better
October 21, 2009 (American Solar Energy Society)
"A new report suggests that tackling climate change will be a major net job creator for the U.S. economy. According to the report, aggressive deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency can net up to 4.5 million new U.S. jobs by 2030 and provide the greenhouse gas emission reductions necessary to tackle climate change.
"...[Estimating the Impacts of Tackling Climate Change] was released…by the nonprofit American Solar Energy Society (ASES)…and Management Information Services, Inc… According to the analysis, renewable energy and energy efficiency deployment costs would be revenue neutral (or better), as costs to implement the technologies are offset by savings from lower energy bills, making total net costs near zero…"

[Findings:]"…Aggressive deployment of renewable energy and energy efficiency can net 4.5 million new jobs [dispersed throughout the U.S. in virtually all industries and occupations] by 2030…Hot jobs spurred by this new economic growth span a diverse range of [blue collar and white collar] skills and experience…Renewable energy and energy efficient technologies could displace approximately 1.2 billion tons of carbon emissions annually by 2030 [and thereby prevent the worst impacts of climate change]..."
[Findings:]"…Approximately 57% of carbon emissions reductions would be from energy efficiency and 43% would be from renewable energy…Energy efficiency measures can allow U.S. carbon emissions to remain about level through 2030, while renewable technologies can provide large reductions…[C]onstruction, farming, professional services, public sector, retail, truck transportation, fabricated metals and electrical equipment [industries show the biggest job gains]…"

[Findings:]"…The construction industry directly benefits from almost all the growing renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors…Farming directly benefits from biomass and biofuel technology growth…Many of these jobs can not be easily outsourced…The greatest numbers of renewable energy jobs are generated by solar photovoltaics, biofuels, biomass, and concentrating solar power sectors…"
"…[P]olicy can play a significant role in both generating jobs and mitigating carbon emissions….[through] improving energy efficiency in buildings, transportation, and industry, and [driving growth in] six renewable energy technologies: concentrating solar power, photovoltaics, wind power, biomass, biofuels, and geothermal power…[Though] advancing new energy technologies can both create new jobs and displace jobs from less efficient industries….in total, more than 4.5 million more jobs can be created by tackling climate change than would be lost."
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