2 new geothermal projects planned near Fallon
October 25, 2009 (AP via San Jose Mercury News)
"The U.S. Bureau of Land Management has announced plans to conduct an environmental review of proposals to build at least two new geothermal plants in [Northern California]…
"BLM officials… intend to prepare a formal environmental impact statement for the two Salt Wells Energy projects proposed by NV Energy, Oromat Technologies and the Vulcan Power Co…The separate projects could eventually result in construction of seven 30- to 60-megawatt geothermal power plants."

"Mark Sullivan of NV Energy said the plants would serve two needs: reliability and interconnection to existing plants…Scott Kessler of Oromat Technologies said the project will cost between $80 million to $100 million. He said the nearest neighbor to the 32-foot high facility would be 1,000 feet away…"

"Under questioning from Commissioner Norm Frey, Kessler said about five people live within a half mile of the plant located 10 to 15 miles southeast of Fallon…[T]he noise from the geothermal plants are no louder than [a] normal speaking voice, and the only sound individuals may hear is a low humming sound.
"Ken Bonin of Vulcan Power said the environmental review is scheduled for the beginning of 2010. The final impact statement is scheduled to be released in December of 2010 with a record of decision coming in February 2011."
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