New Jersey's solar installation effort outshines the nation
Tom Hester, Sr., 5 October 2009 (New Jersey Newsroom)
"Enough solar energy equipment has been installed in New Jersey in the past three years that it would meet the electricity needs for more than 15,000 houses, Gov. Jon Corzine announced…New Jersey now has the most solar installations in the country per square mile, surpassing California by nearly two to one, the governor said…
"Corzine also said that since 2006, more than 110,000 homes and nearly 6,000 businesses in New Jersey have received energy efficiency improvements…20 percent of new homes – approximately 18,000 – are certified New Jersey Energy Star Homes…[The Govenror applauded] the Obama administration for a new federal-state partnership that promotes clean energy, greenhouse gas reductions, and ‘green' jobs across the nation…"

"Corzine added that the U.S. Department of Energy through its Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant program has just released $14.4 million in aid for the state government to hand out to local governments…[New Jersey] will use the ARRA funds to continue state and local efforts to implement programs and projects that reduce fossil fuel emissions, expand renewable energy generation, decrease energy use, and improve energy efficiency."

"Corzine also highlighted his administration's other short- and long-term clean energy projects and programs under…[the energy master plan] adopted by the state last year…[including]…[1] Reaching 4000 solar installations this past summer, making New Jersey second only to California in number of installations and capacity…[and first in] the amount of solar installed per square mile…[2] Building New Jersey's solar generating capacity…[to over the] 100 megawatt threshold… [3] Completion of the geophysical work and substantial progress on the geotechnical and ecological research required…[for] three proposed offshore wind farms…[4] Crossing the 50,000 threshold of customers in the state's Comfort Partners program, a collaboration with the state's utilities to bring energy efficiency to limited-income households.
"Corzine also re-affirmed his commitment to supporting aggressive clean energy programs that stimulate economic growth, combat climate change, and express the benefits of regional cooperation with regards to developing challenging energy projects…[T]hrough 2020, the actions that his administration has taken are projected to stimulate $33 billion worth of investment into energy infrastructure, create jobs, save consumers nearly $30 billion in energy savings, spur continued energy efficiency innovation, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the electricity and heating fuel sector to 23 percent – below 1990 levels…"
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