In-stream tidal turbine deployed in the Bay of Fundy
Administrator, 18November 2009 (Wave & Tidal Energy News)
"The first commercial scale in-stream tidal turbine in the Bay of Fundy was deployed…by Nova Scotia Power and its tidal technology partner OpenHydro. The one-megawatt commercial scale turbine was deployed from the Fundy Ocean Research Centre for Energy (FORCE), in the Minas Passage…"

"The turbine's journey from Halifax to the deployment site, located approximately three kilometres off the shore of Black Rock, took 7 days. Once on site, the 400-tonne device was lowered in less than six hours to its intended location on the ocean floor by the purpose-built barge called the OpenHydro Installer. The barge and the deployment method were both designed and developed by OpenHydro…"

"The turbine now rests on the seabed held in place by a subsea gravity base designed by OpenHydro and fabricated by Cherubini Metal Works…Nova Scotia Power's involvement with this tidal energy test facility is supported by Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), an arm's-length, not-for-profit corporation created by the Government of Canada."
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