Aerojet, Solar Power, Inc. and SMUD Dedicate 3.6 Megawatt Solar System - Announce 2.4 Megawatt Expansion at Aerojet Site; At six megawatts, the Aerojet project will be one of the largest in the U.S.
November 10, 2009 (PRNewswire via CNNMoney)
"Aerojet…and Solar Power, Inc.…have entered into agreement to add an additional 2.4 megawatts to the single-axis tracker photovoltaic solar system currently installed at Aerojet’s Sacramento, Calif. site. Construction of the 3.6 megawatt solar system at Aerojet’s facility was initiated in June 2009 and was already the largest single-site industrial project in California and one of the largest in the country. The site is located within the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD).
"The announcement of an additional 2.4 megawatts was made…at the same location where California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed an executive order on Sept. 15, 2009 calling for 33 percent of energy consumed in California to come from renewable resources by the year 2020…"

"The solar array at Aerojet is a ground-mounted system utilizing a single-axis tracking system that follows the sun’s course throughout the day to maximize electricity production. The additional array will utilize 11,712 SPI 205 watt modules mounted atop eight tracking arrays. When completed, the entire six megawatt system will cover more than 40 acres of the Aerojet site and utilize 22 tracking arrays and 29,344 SPI 205 watt photovoltaic modules. Based on its performance characteristics, the SPI 205 watt module is currently the number-one-ranked PV solar module in its class with the California Energy Commission…
"Installation of the 2.4 megawatt system addition is expected to be completed in April 2010. SMUD is scheduled to interconnect the system to the power grid at that time…"

"During its first year of use, the Aerojet system will offset 6,003 tons of carbon dioxide, 23.8 tons of sulfur dioxide and approximately 9.3 tons of nitrogen oxide that would have otherwise been produced using fossil fuel power production. The first-year net clean energy benefits equate to offsetting 11,825,814 automobile miles driven or the clean air benefits realized from planting 1,396,423 trees. With a system life expectancy of 25 years, the cumulative life-cycle environmental offsets for a system of this scope are significant…
"Founded in 2005, Solar Power, Inc. is a vertically integrated solar energy solution provider offering the North American commercial and public sector building markets a complete solution through a single brand…Aerojet is a world-recognized aerospace and defense leader principally serving the missile and space propulsion, defense and armaments markets…[T]he nation’s sixth largest publicly owned utility, SMUD…is a recognized industry leader and award winner for its innovative energy efficiency programs, renewable power technologies, and for its sustainable solutions for a healthier environment…"
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