Effort underway to suspend California's global-warming law; Conservatives propose an initiative that would delay curbs on greenhouse gas emissions until the state's unemployment rate drops to 5.5%, a level not seen since 2007.
Margot Roosevelt, February 6, 2010 (LA Times)
"Republican politicians and conservative activists are launching a ballot campaign to suspend California's landmark global-warming law, in what they hope will serve as a showcase for a national backlash against climate regulations…[They] say they have "solid commitments" of nearly $600,000 to pay signature gatherers for a November initiative aimed at delaying curbs on the greenhouse gas emissions…
"GOP gubernatorial candidates and Tea Party organizers paint the 2006 law, considered a model for other state and federal efforts, as a job-killing interference in the economy…The measure would halt proposed regulations until the state's jobless rate dips to 5.5% or below for a year. That's a level that California has not seen since 2007. California has one of the nation's highest unemployment rates: 12.4%."

"The effort to ignite a revolt in the Golden State comes as years of industry-backed campaigns have sown doubts about the scientific consensus behind global warming and as the public has become more concerned about the economy…No major California company has endorsed the initiative…But…the California Manufacturers and Technology Assn…[objects to the law’s costs]…Sponsors of the California initiative…have dubbed the measure the California Jobs Initiative.
"The official wording of the initiative, however, lies in the hands of Atty. Gen. Jerry Brown, an outspoken advocate of AB 32 and a presumptive Democratic candidate for governor…[His office picked] the unwieldy: 'Suspends Air Pollution Control Laws Requiring Major Polluters to Report and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions That Cause Global Warming Until Unemployment Drops Below Specified Level for Full Year.' [A crowded ballot in November could work against the measure]…"

"…[M]oney pledged to the effort is not yet in hand. At least twice as much would have to be raised to guarantee enough valid signatures…[With] the Wall Street Journal's recent endorsement…environmentalists worry that money from around the country will pour into the effort…Industries have lobbied intensely [and brought suits] against proposed regulations…Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has made climate change one of his signature issues, is reportedly asking major companies to remain on the sidelines. The governor 'absolutely opposes' the initiative…
"Businesses that benefit from greenhouse gas curbs [including Silicon Valley deep pockets] are meeting with environmentalists to mobilize against the initiative…[T]he state's nonpartisan Legislative Analyst’s Office …said that the measure could lead to greater short-term profits for some businesses, but would dampen investments in clean technology and green jobs…[The] initiative would invalidate a Schwarzenegger executive order requiring that a third of all retail electricity sellers get their power from renewable sources by 2020…[and] suspend the regulation to slash carbon intensity of fuels by 10%…[but] half of the state's measures to bring greenhouse gases down to 1990 levels by 2010 would survive…because they were enacted under different statutes."
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