Sinopec starts commercial development of geothermal resources
Qiu Jun, 25 January 25, 2010 (Xinhua via Trading Markets)
"The China Petrochemical Corporation (Sinopec Group), China's leading oil refiner…has started commercial development of geothermal resources as part of its strategy of low-carbon economic growth.
"Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Sinopec Star Petroleum, Sinopec has established a joint venture, Shaanxi Green Energy Geothermal Development, with Icelandic company Enex Kina…in Xian Yang in China's no rthwestern Shaanxi province…The company is engaged in geothermal resources exploitation and utilization as well as the development of related workmanship and technology."

"Zan Qi, the general manager of Star Petroleum, said that Sinopec 's geothermal development now has the capability to provide heating for 2.6 million square meters of housing in Xiang Yang of Shaanxi province and Baoding of Hebei province, which translates into a reduction of 300,000 tonnes in carbon dioxide emission."

"…[T]he company is to provide heating service coverage of 4 million square meters of housing area by the end of 2010…[and] 10 million square meters of housing in the next five years…[G]eothermal power generating and clarification of waste water will also be added to services.
"The Sinopec Group, the parent company of Sinopec, is also engaged in a wide range of new-energy research and development…on bio-fuels and coalbed methane."
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