Tennessee Valley begins 20-year contract for Iowa wind energy
Lynda Waddington, February 22, 2010 (Iowa Independent)
"The nation’s largest public power company will soon be powering homes and businesses across a seven state area with Iowa wind energy..."The Tennessee Valley Authority, a federal corporation, entered into a 20-year contract with Texas-based Horizon Wind Energy LLC…[to] purchase up to 115 megawatts…from the Pioneer Prairie Wind Farm…in northeastern Iowa.
"Generation is expected to begin this fall, subject to applicable environmental requirements and firm transmission arrangements being secured. The contracts are a result of a request for proposals TVA issued in December 2008."

"Horizon, owned by EDP Renováveis S.A., operates more than 20 wind farms across the U.S. that produce more than 2,800 megawatts of power…[including] three wind farms in Iowa.
"TVA provides electricity for utility and business customers in most of Tennessee and parts of Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia…The company makes no profits and receives no taxpayer money. It is funded by sales of electricity to its customers, and electricity prices in TVA’s service territory are below the national average."
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