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Some details about NewEnergyNews and the man behind the curtain: Herman K. Trabish, Agua Dulce, CA., Doctor with my hands, Writer with my head, Student of New Energy and Human Experience with my heart



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  • ---------------
  • Sunday, March 21, 2010


    Oil industry behind critical wind energy report; Conservative think tank admits that report critical of Denmark’s wind power industry was commissioned by US think tank
    19 March 2010 (The Copenhagen Post)

    "A controversial report critical of the wind energy industry from conservative think tank CEPOS was commissioned and paid for by an American think tank with close ties to the coal and oil industries, according to [the Danish] trade journal Ingeniøren.

    "The report, which was published last September and concluded that Danish wind energy figures were misleading, was taken by CEPOS members to the US media in the months leading up to the COP15 climate summit in Copenhagen. The message behind the report indicated that the Danish wind turbine industry model was not effective."

    No matter how Big Oil tries to twist it, tiny Denmark is a giant in wind power. (click to enlarge)

    "Numerous experts have since strongly criticised the report’s conclusions, challenging many of the figures and the means in which those figures were obtained…[N]ow it appears that the report was indirectly commissioned and paid for by the American coal and oil lobby…"

    Denmark is a pioneer in offshore wind. (click to enlarge)

    "IER reportedly receives funding from the American oil and coal lobby…[Its] summary of the CEPOS report…[fallaciously] claims that [the Danish government overstates the success of its wind industry]…CEPOS CEO Martin Ågerup admitted to Ingeniøren that the report was both commissioned and paid for by IER. But he said he was not aware of IER receiving funding from the coal and oil industry…

    "Ågerup admitted, however, that during his company’s tour of the US last autumn, he and one of the report’s authors, Hugh Sharman, were made aware of the relationship between IER and the American coal and oil industries…"


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