DP&L Officially Opens Largest Solar Power Facility in Southwestern Ohio; Built by Regional Companies, Solar Array Features Informational Kiosk for Visitors
June 22, 2010 (Business Wire via MarketWatch)
"The Dayton Power and Light Company (DP&L)…officially [opened] a 1.1 megawatt solar array near its Yankee substation in Washington Township, Montgomery County, Ohio. Construction of the array began in December 2009…
"…[Ohio’s] energy legislation calls for 25% of all energy consumed by Ohioans to be from alternative energy by 2025. Of that, .5% must be solar energy…"
Building a PV solar power plant in 2 minutes. From DPLToday via YouTube
"DP&L's Yankee solar array consists of 9,120 solar panels constructed over 7 acres, and generates enough electricity to power the equivalent of 150 homes a year. The array cost approximately $5 million to build.
"DP&L's Yankee solar facility was constructed in partnership with a number of regional companies led by Ameridian Specialty Services, Inc. of Cincinnati…Miller-Valentine Commercial Construction of Dayton handled the overall site construction…Schneider Electric of West Chester supplied the ac/dc inverters for the solar panels…ESI Electrical Contractors of Dayton provided electricians to wire the solar panels…"click thru for more info
"…Inovateus Solar of South Bend, Indiana handled the procurement of the solar panels from Sharp USA and developed the overall solar site design…Schletter, Inc. of Tucson, Arizona supplied the solar panel racks and installed the posts that support the panels…
"Starting in July, a visitor center will be open daily from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to provide information about solar power and up-to-the-minute performance of the array…"
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