Secretary Vilsack Announces Loans and Grants To Fund Energy Efficiency Improvements for South Dakota Ag Producers; 18 Projects Help South Dakota Farmers and Rural Businesses Become More Energy Efficient
October 30, 2010 (Department of Agriculture)
"Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack…announced that USDA Rural Development is providing loans and grants for 18 renewable energy and energy efficiency projects in South Dakota under the Rural Energy for America Program (REAP) [from the 2008 Farm bill]…
"The [more than $1.4 million in loans and grants for the 18 recipients] also includes support to help farmers, ranchers and rural small businesses make energy efficiency improvements to their operations…"

"For example, Thompson Farms, Inc. in Groton has been selected for a $47,688 loan and a $23,840 grant to replace a grain dryer with a more efficient unit. East River Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. in Madison was selected to receive a $100,000 grant to perform energy audits and provide renewable energy development technical assistance to farmers and small businesses.
"Many rural businesses and farmers in South Dakota have benefited from the REAP program during the past few years. For example, E. Werts, Inc. received a $206,000 guaranteed loan and a $103,050 grant earlier this year to purchase a new grain dryer and make energy efficiency improvements to a farm in Bancroft. The new dryer is expected to use 35 percent less energy per bushel in the drying process."

"REAP funding can be used for renewable energy systems, energy efficiency improvements, feasibility studies, energy audits and renewable energy development assistance… Funding is contingent upon the recipient meeting the conditions of the grant or loan agreement…
"…USDA administers and manages more than 40 housing, business and community infrastructure and facility programs through a network of 6,100 [D.C.] employees…and nearly 500 state and local offices. These programs are designed to improve the economic stability of rural communities, businesses, residents, farmers, and ranchers and improve the quality of life in rural America. Rural Development has an existing portfolio of more than $142 billion in loans and loan guarantees."
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