Bingaman cracks open door to backing ‘clean’ energy standard
Ben Geman, December 13, 2010 (The Hill)
"A leading Democrat on energy policy signaled… he’s open to a “clean” energy standard [CES] for utilities — a GOP-backed proposal that’s favorable to new nuclear plants and low-emissions coal projects.
"Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) has long championed a renewable electricity standard [RES] that would require utilities to supply escalating amounts of power from sources like wind and solar…Bingaman said…he’d look at a wider standard that includes non-renewable forms of energy — but only if it doesn’t crowd out the renewables…"

"Bingaman has long opposed proposals for a 'clean' standard, which were offered several years ago by former Sen. Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) — who was the energy panel’s leading Republican — and more recently Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).
"Proposals by Bingaman and other lawmakers to create a renewable power standard have stalled on Capitol Hill amid significant GOP resistance, although a few Republicans such as Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) like the idea…Prospects won't get any better in the new Congress, when Republicans will control the House and have greater numbers in the Democratic Senate."

"The idea of a 'clean' standard that would credit power from nuclear plants, and coal projects that sequester carbon emissions (a technology not yet commercialized), got a shot in the arm last week…[when] Energy Secretary Steven Chu suggested talks with Congress on the idea now that wider emissions-capping legislation has collapsed on Capitol Hill, and Graham said he plans to revive his proposal."
[Senator Bingaman (D-NM):] “If you can design a so-called clean energy standard that still provided incentives to pursue renewable electricity ... then it is certainly worth looking at…The versions I have seen in the past have appeared to me to essentially wipe out any real incentive for things like solar and wind, other of the developing or maturing technologies…I am open to looking at other options, other ways to do it.”
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