Obama’s SOTU: A Trifecta for Electric Transmission
January 26, 2011 (WIRES)
"…President Obama identified as among the Administration's top priorities the strengthening of America's infrastructure, the need to move aggressively to promote clean energy resources, and making government regulations and resources more efficient and streamlined."
[James Hoecker, Counsel, WIRES/former Chair, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] "In my opinion, this is precisely what we in the electric transmission sector have been talking about…Expanding the transmission grid is essential to tapping America's diverse energy resources. Transmission is critical infrastructure, although – for the third year in a row – the White House has focused only on railroads, highways, and the Internet. Nothing is more critical to the economy than reliable and economic supplies of electricity."

"In his address, the President issued these challenges…[1] ‘…join me in setting a new goal: by 2035, 80 percent of America's electricity will come from clean energy sources…[2] …become the first country to have 1 million electric vehicles on the road by 2015…[3] Our infrastructure used to be the best . . . [But] when our own engineers graded our nation's infrastructure, they gave us a 'D'…"

[James Hoecker, Counsel, WIRES/former Chair, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] "Clean energy – whether wind, solar power, other clean sources of generation, or even a pervasive deployment of electric vehicles –cannot happen without a stronger grid. I can only hope the Administration understands that reality."
[James Hoecker, Counsel, WIRES/former Chair, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission] "If the President thinks that jurisdiction over salmon is confusing, he should try planning, licensing, and constructing an upgrade to the high voltage energy delivery system…If there ever was a case for reforming the planning, siting, and cost recovery of energy infrastructure, it is for electric transmission. In this instance, private capital is available and ready to take the lead once a greater degree of regulatory certainty is provided. The President has hit the right notes…"
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