North African uprisings put CSP investors on alert; CSP developers and investors in North Africa are keeping a watchful eye on events in Tunisia and Egypt. Could current social unrest affect confidence in the region?
Jason Deign, 4 February 2011 (CSP Today)
"…CSP industry player[s] with an interest in North Africa…[are watching] developments there with interest…[T]he situation there could already be prompting insurers to ponder the need for more restrictive coverage or higher premiums on CSP projects.
But a bigger concern for developers might be if recent events shake investor confidence in the region. For now, the prevailing attitude seems to be one of ‘wait and see’."

"…Solar Millennium Group has pulled its personnel out of the Kuraymat solar-thermal plant as a ‘precautionary measure’…The whole area around the 150 MW hybrid solar and natural gas facility, which is about 100km from Cairo and houses a number of other power plants, is now under military control…But the company remains committed to the region… [The] increasing demand for energy…[and] increasing population [will not change if or when the government in Egypt does]…
"…[European Investment Bank] investments in the region [are not expected to change with politics]…As far as Tunisia and Egypt are concerned…[no] plans slated for the region will be affected…[T]hat the Mediterranean Solar Plan has helped implant solar power projects, and jobs, in the region could confer the sector with a degree of immunity amid the protests…There is similar sentiment at Desertec, probably the largest development programme that could be affected…"

"…[I]t is difficult to say how much of the current attitude is conditioned by the fact that neither Egypt nor Tunisia has particularly well-developed CSP markets…While Nur Energie is planning a development in Tunisia and Egypt has been tipped as a promising market for CSP, so far the only major project to have entered operation is Kuraymat, which is a joint venture with Egypt’s Orascom Construction Industries…
"…Concerns might mount if social unrest spreads to other countries…particularly to Morocco, the poster child for CSP in the region, which has on-the-ground developments…[Insiders expect] some problems with European and US investors…until the political situation is resolved…For a region already under scrutiny for issues such as transparency and regulatory security, that is hardly good news."
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