Lab’s Impact on Colorado’s Economy Triples; NREL expands workforce, campus and contracts over three years
February 11, 2011 (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
"The presence of the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado is a $714 million annual boost to the state’s economy, [more than three times the $192 million it was just three years ago,] according to data compiled in a soon to be released analysis by the University of Colorado…
"NREL is the nation’s primary research and development laboratory for the advancement of clean and renewable energy, and for maximizing energy efficiency…[It’s] full-time work force grew from 917 in 2007 to 2,300 today…[which] induces many more jobs to ripple through the state economy. In total, NREL’s presence means more than 5,500 jobs in Colorado…"

"Construction at NREL in fiscal year 2010 totaled $96 million, highlighted by the new 220,000-square-foot Research Support Facility, a building that is a showcase for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. Funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act continues to accelerate construction…dramatically expanding NREL’s capacity for renewable energy and energy efficiency research, development and deployment…
"NREL has helped wind and solar energy, biomass and alternative fuels gain traction in the marketplace, helping to vault Colorado into sixth place nationally in the total value of clean-energy jobs. Between 1998 and 2007, clean-energy jobs in Colorado grew by 18.2 percent – that’s more than double the 8.2 percent growth in all jobs in the state. As of the end of 2009, Colorado had 17,000 clean-energy jobs."

"As of August of 2010, NREL had 329 contracts with Colorado companies totaling $414 million, including $75.3 million paid out in the most recent fiscal year…NREL [also] had cooperative research and development agreements with 23 Colorado companies; and technical service agreements with 24 Colorado firms as of the summer of 2010.
"The Photovoltaic Incubator Program funded by the DOE and managed by NREL, helps solar companies get their technologies ready for full-scale production…NREL [also] sponsors the annual Industry Growth Forum to connect clean-technology companies to investors. Since 2003, venture capitalists and others have invested $3.4 billion in Colorado companies…"
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