Sprint Releases Findings of Industry-First Trucost Supply-Chain Carbon Report; Trucost assessment provides comprehensive analysis of Sprint’s supply-chain carbon footprint
March 16, 2011 (Business Wire)
"Sprint Nextel…[and] Trucost…released the findings of a comprehensive Scope 3 supply-chain assessment. Trucost’s detailed assessment examines Sprint’s total supply-chain carbon emissions and quantifies and identifies ‘hot spots’ where Sprint can focus its efforts. Sprint is the first wireless carrier to complete and publicly release such a thorough supplier carbon assessment…[It will use the] data to define and implement further plans to effectively manage and reduce supplier emissions…
"Trucost’s fast, affordable proprietary approach to assessing Scope 3 supply-chain emissions produces a detailed evaluation of the carbon performance of suppliers, helping corporations identify and manage environmental risks and opportunities along the supply chain…[It] outlines the source of CO2 emissions, giving an indication of [whether] a supplier’s carbon burden lies…in direct operations (Scope 1), electricity suppliers (Scope 2), first-tier suppliers (Scope 3 – First Tier), or with all other suppliers further up the supply chain (Scope 3 – All Others)…"

"The Trucost study of Sprint’s Scope 3 supply chain was completed in just four weeks, at a fraction of the cost of more traditional Scope 3 supplier assessments. The methodology…complies with guidance in the most recent World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Scope 3 Accounting and Reporting Standard..."

"...Key findings of [Sprint Nextel Supply Chain Carbon Footprint] include:…[1] [S]upplier emissions total 2.08M metric tons of CO2, slightly more than Sprint’s total direct and indirect emissions of 1.95M metric tons in 2009…[2] The top 50 suppliers of Sprint’s supply chain account for more than 94 percent of the total carbon footprint…[3] [The] analysis covers 98 percent of Sprint’s supply-chain expenditure.
"…For the second year in a row, Sprint ranked highest among all U.S. telecom companies on Newsweek’s 2010 Rankings of America’s Greenest Companies at No. 6, up from No. 15 in 2009…[It] was also ranked highest among the wireless carrier industry on the Carbon Disclosure Project’s ‘Carbon Disclosure Leadership Index’…[and] received the ‘Sustainability Leadership Award’ at the 2010 International Electronics Recycling Conference and Expo (IERCE) for its leadership among wireless carriers in the recycling of mobile handsets."
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