Indiana poll finds overwhelming bipartisan support for wind energy, as Legislature weighs 10% requirement
February 28, 2011 (American Wind Energy Association)
"…[A]n Indiana poll…[shows] strong and deep bipartisan public support for increasing wind farm development in the state through the passage of legislation calling for 10 percent of electricity sold in Indiana to come from renewable energy by 2020… as the Indiana House and Senate prepare to take up energy legislation, Senate Bill 251, which currently does not create any market for renewable energy…
"The [Public Opinion Strategies] poll found that 77 percent of Indiana voters support legislation creating a requirement for 10 percent renewable energy by the year 2020. An impressive 47 percent of voters "strongly" support such legislation, and just 16 percent oppose it. The results signal support among Hoosiers for harnessing the economic-development benefits of wind power and diversifying the state's energy mix in a way that can save consumers money. A 10 percent renewable energy requirement would spur construction of approximately six new wind farms and create thousands of jobs…"

"The poll reflects recent national polls showing that as much as 89 percent of Americans want more renewable energy…77 percent of Indiana voters support legislation requiring that 10 percent of electricity sold in the state come from renewable energy by 2020…A strong 66 percent of Republicans statewide support a 10-percent renewable energy requirement.
"Overall support for this legislation was above 70 percent in all regions of Indiana and between 77 percent and 79 percent in urban, suburban, and rural areas of the state…Statewide voter support rose to 84 percent when told that a 10 percent requirement would spur construction on six new wind farms in the next two years, creating thousands of new jobs."

"Support for legislation rose to 85 percent when voters were told that Indiana's neighbors have secured long-term electricity contracts from wind power that costs significantly less than the average per kilowatt-hour price Hoosiers currently pay.
"Voter support for legislation rose to 83 percent when voters were informed that more than half of the wind energy generated in the state is currently used to deliver power to neighboring states with renewable energy requirements…"
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