Gazette opinion: Lawmakers should back coal, wind energy
March 24, 2011 (Billings Gazette)
"Montana is an energy exporter, shipping coal, oil, gas and electricity to markets far beyond our state line…[It has] higher energy needs than most…[to keep warm] through the winter…[The big state’s long] distances between communities…necessitate long trips…[but bills on] the 2011 Montana Legislature…give a lopsided view of what energy means to Montanans. They would promote oil, gas and coal development while discouraging investment in alternative energy. The…GOP legislative majority actually [seeks] to rescind incentives for energy efficiency and conservation.
"Promoting wastefulness is bad policy; it would take Montana in the wrong direction…[O]il, coal and gas will be important for many years…[but] it makes no sense to promote state policies that would trap Montanans in energy wasting buildings for another generation…[and it’s] wrong to crush the alternative energy industry that is giving Montanans choices in how they heat and power their homes and businesses. Cleaner energy creates good jobs, too."

"There is room in Montana for both traditional fossil fuels as well as wind, solar, biodiesel and geothermal energy…[L]awmakers [shopuld] embrace a future in which Montana’s fortunes will include fossil fuels but not be dependent on them. The strength of Montana’s economy is in diversity — not in being yoked to booms and busts in energy markets.
"Montanans’ answers to last week’s Gazette State Poll indicate that the public wants a broad-based energy policy…62 percent said they would support…[efforts to develop] renewable energy, solar power and energy conservation even if…[it] might increase utility costs for consumers…Only 29 percent said they would oppose such efforts…"

"53 percent said they would support enacting state laws…[to keep] environmental regulations…[from blocking] more development of oil, gas, coal and precious metals…42 percent of Montanans polled said they would support amending Montana’s existing constitutional right to a clean and healthful environment by…[including] ‘the right to an economically productive environment.’
"Montana has granted tax breaks and incentives for fossil fuel production as well as for alternative energy and conservation. All of these should be elements of a comprehensive energy policy that recognizes all costs and benefits. Montanans are both producers and consumers of energy whose best interests may conflict. State law should balance promotion of traditional energy sources with promotion of alternative choices and conservation that will minimize consumer costs, reduce pollution and maximize opportunities for energy jobs…"
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