Suspension of Wisconsin siting rules threatens to shut door on wind power industry in the state; Legislative committee vote in Madison is major setback for wind energy development
March 1, 2011 (American Wind Energy Association)
"…[A] joint committee of the Wisconsin state legislature voted…to roll back wind farm siting rules developed in a multi-stakeholder process, immediately threatening all future wind power development as well as job growth…[and] the state's potential storefront of economic development from the industry.
"In a highly unusual and drastic move, the 10-member Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules (JCRAR) suspended the Wisconsin Wind Siting Rules, known as PSC128, on the same day they were set to take effect, despite the fact that the rules had been developed by consensus over the course of two years in an open, balanced and collaborative process…[The] PSC128 rules…created a level playing field for developing the state's rich wind resources, while still protecting the health and safety of its citizens and neighbors."

"The Wisconsin wind siting bill passed the state legislature with strong bipartisan support in 2009, and the rules were finalized by the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin in December 2010…[They] would have been among the most restrictive and detailed rules in the entire country on siting wind turbines…[Rejecting them] discards two years' worth of work…plays favorites…[and] rewards and favors special interests…"
[Denise Bode, CEO, AWEA:] "…The wind power industry has already created over 2,000 direct and indirect jobs in Wisconsin, and…we could create a lot more. The action today in Madison indicates that the state is favoring the support of a few special interests over Wisconsin's call for economic development…"

"…[S]uspension of the [PSC128] rules will cause a lapse in the state's clean-energy development while jeopardizing over 2 million hours of construction jobs and $1.8 billion of new investment from proposed projects, many of which will not be able to go forward. While a few projects may move forward in the near future, particularly ones that have already been permitted, the wind power industry will all but be brought to a halt in Wisconsin…"
[Jeff Anthony, Director of Business Development and Wisconsin resident, AWEA:]
"…[This vote] represents an unfortunate turn of events based on politics and a blatant disregard for not only the facts, gleaned from real-world experience of siting wind farms across the rest of the country, but also the necessity for a more diversified electric-generating portfolio. Wisconsin has taken a giant step backward…[W]ind project development will be diverted to other states that have reasonable rules…Jobs that would have been located in Wisconsin are now going to migrate to neighboring states such as Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois…If the Walker administration and the state legislature were truly as serious about…creating well-paying jobs in Wisconsin…[this] would not have taken place."
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