Recent Iowa Poll Results; Wind energy has an extraordinarily strong image among Iowa voters…
June 28, 2011 (Public Opinion Strategies)
"…Wind energy has an extraordinarily strong image among Iowa voters, above that of all other energy sectors…With an 85% favorable image, wind energy companies have a stronger image than solar energy companies (76% favorable), natural gas companies (68% favorable), nuclear power companies (51% favorable), coal companies (48% favorable), and oil companies (30% favorable)…"

"...A majority of Iowa voters name wind energy as their preferred energy source for the state…[O]ver half of voters (51%) choose wind energy. The next closest
preferred energy source is natural gas (15%), while 13% say they prefer nuclear power.
Solar energy (8%), coal (5%) and oil (2%) round out the remainder of the preferred
energy sources…Wind energy is the preferred energy source across partisan lines as well, with one-third (33%) of Republicans, 52% of Independents, and 67% of Democrats choosing wind energy as their preferred energy source…"

"...Wind energy is perceived to have major economic benefits for the state…Over eight in ten voters (81%) say wind energy companies have been good for the state’s economy, while fully 77% say these companies have helped bring new jobs to the state. These economic benefits of wind energy show that Iowa voters view wind energy as more than just an important source of renewable energy for the state…"
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