As White House Decision on New Fuel Efficiency Standards Nears, Go60MPG Launches Radio ad Push in D.C.; With Radio Ads, Go60MPG Highlights How Strong Fuel Efficiency Standards Would Create Jobs, Save Consumers at the Gas Pump, Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil
July 25, 2011 (PR Newswire)
"With a decision imminent from the Obama Administration on new fuel efficiency and emissions standards for 2017-2025 vehicles, Go60MPG is launching a radio advertising campaign…The message: A 60 mile-per-gallon standard makes sense for America … and your pocketbook…
"Strong pollution and fuel efficiency standards will save gas-price weary Americans an extra $370 billion by 2030 compared to the weakest proposal. These standards will also cut America's oil dependence by at least 44 billion gallons of fuel and eliminate at least 465 million metric tons of heat-trapping carbon pollution in 2030. A fuel economy and emissions standard requiring a 6 percent improvement each year between 2017 and 2025 would make America safe by reducing U.S. oil use by more than we now import from the Persian Gulf region…"

"…[A]utomakers are balking needlessly at a proposed standard of 56.5 MPG by 2025, continuing a theme of balking at every major advancement in auto technology from seatbelts to airbags to catalytic converters. Each of these technologies has proven to be both affordable and good for the American people…
"…[A]utomakers – with the notable exception of General Motors, Toyota and Hyundai - have launched their own set of radio ads through the Alliance for Automobile Manufacturers (AAM). These ads continue an ongoing misinformation campaign based on faulty data and incorrect assumptions…The reality is these stronger standards are technologically feasible and automakers are already well on their way to meeting them…"
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