US Photovoltaic Project Pipeline Soars to 17 Gigawatts, Solarbuzz Reports
July 6, 2011 (Solarbuzz)
"Following reductions in feed-in-tariffs across Europe, the rapid rise in the photovoltaic project pipeline in the US market now represents one of the most compelling PV market growth opportunities anywhere in the world.
"According to the July 2011 edition of the United States Deal Tracker database released by Solarbuzz…the US non-residential photovoltaic (PV) pipeline now exceeds 17 gigawatts (GW). This total comprises 601 projects ranging from 50 kilowatts (kW) to 500 megawatts (MW) in size, with planned installation dates from 2H’11 to 2015…1,565 non-residential projects totaling 20.3 GW [have been] installed, [are] being installed or [are] in their development phase since January 1, 2010…"

"California currently accounts for 62% of the total US project pipeline, stimulated by the state’s aggressive 33% Renewable Portfolio Standard target. State Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) policies have been a major driver…The top six state pipelines in megawatt terms are California, Arizona, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico and Texas while, in total, 40 states contribute to the pipeline.
"…The top 12 project developers currently account for 49% of the total pipeline…The collapse in US factory-gate module prices over the past four months is only now starting to impact large project prices. Installed system prices for planned projects above 1 MW have an average price of $4.50/W DC. 32% of these projects exhibit prices below $4.00/W DC…[T]he top three suppliers in MW terms are First Solar, SunPower Corporation and Suntech Power. The leading inverter suppliers to the pipeline are Advanced Energy and SatCon Technology…"
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