Five Ways a Smarter Grid Helps in a Heat Wave
August 3, 2011 (GE Reports)
"With record-setting heat roiling the U.S. this summer…[spiking] electricity demand can overwhelm ‘the grid’…[but it] is getting better at handling demand peaks that might otherwise bring blackouts and brownouts…
"Here are five ways a smarter grid can help in a heat wave…[1] Better Small Wind and Solar Integration… A smart grid helps incorporate that spare power…partially displacing the need for conventionally generated power…[and solar peaks] coincide with high temperatures…"

"…[2] Increased Energy storage… storage capacity could grow significantly…[3] Demand Response…the consumer decides to use less power when demand is high (and so are prices), and more power when the price is lower…
"…[4] Smart metering…[with] smart thermostats and home energy displays, savings can jump to an average of 25 percent…[5] Smart appliances… the washer may display a message that reads, 'Power rates are high, are you sure you want to wash this load right now?'…"
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