NewEnergyNews More: TRUMP VS. OCEAN WIND

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  • ---------------
  • Wednesday, August 10, 2011


    Scottish 100MW offshore project opposed by Donald Trump
    10 August 2011 (Windpower Monthly)

    "A Vattenfall-led consortium has filed for consent to build an 11-turbine offshore project off the Scottish coast. However, the project is set to be opposed by US entrepreneur Donald Trump…

    "The project is owned by Aberdeen Offshore Wind Ltd, a company owned 75% by Vattenfall and 25% by Aberdeen Renewable Energy Group (AREG) to test and demonstrate up to 11 next-generation offshore wind turbines and other technology in Aberdeen Bay."

    click to enlarge

    "However, Trump's organisation — which is planning to build a £750 million housing and golf course complex nearby — has said it will oppose the plans. The wind farm would be located 1.5 miles from the coast…Trump plans to open the golf course at the 500 hectare estate next July…

    "Coincidentally, Trump's plans have faced much opposition from local residents who believe his development will harm the environment."


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