Western Wind Energy Corp. – Trading Review
October 1, 2011 (Western Wind Energy Corp and PR Newswire via Daily Markets)
"Western Wind Energy Corp. - (Toronto Venture Exchange – “WND”) (OTCQX – “WNDEF”)…has notified the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (“IIROC”) of the obvious pre-conditioned trading activity that has been occuring for the past several months…
"…The main complaint from shareholders is the copious amounts of matched trades occuring on a daily basis, with the emphasis being on downward price trading after real-time market orders. This trading occurs almost daily, and also after significant positive material news announcements…"
"…The large number of very small trades on a daily basis are uniquely matched as equal buy/sell amounts. On an arm’s length basis, it is highly unlikely, if not impossible, for individual purchase and sell orders to be coincidentally matched and timed by independent and arm’s length Buyers and Seller’s…
"…[T]he Company informed IIROC, that it has been made aware in the past few days, that a certain party would like to make a take-over bid of certain or all of [its] assets…The suggested offer price… is above the current market price but below the independent valuation amount…"
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