Lawmakers Pushing Tax Committee For Wind Energy PTC Extension
9 February 2012 (North American Windpower)
"Seven members of the Colorado congressional delegation…delivered a letter to the chairmen of the conference committee that is negotiating the payroll tax credit extension, urging them to extend the PTC…The letter…called for the payroll tax reduction package to include the wind energy PTC, as well as a way to pay for the tax credit…"
[The Letter] “The PTC has been very effective in facilitating new market penetration of wind energy and moving us toward a more diversified and cleaner energy portfolio…A delay in this extension would do enormous damage to that progress."

[The Letter:] “Unless the wind PTC is renewed in the first quarter of this year, new wind energy development projects and the thousands of jobs associated with those projects are predicted to drop off precipitously after 2012…"
"The congressional leaders also emphasized the impact that a failure to extend the PTC would have on jobs both in the state and nationwide…Colorado renewable energy leaders have also called for an extension of the wind PTC…Christine Shapard, executive director of Colorado Cleantech Industry Association…[said that if] the United States wants to bring back its manufacturing base - in both small and large companies - the wind industry is one of the best places to start…"
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