Smart Street Lighting; LEDs, Communications Equipment, and Network Management Software for Roadway and Highway Lighting: Global Market Analysis and Forecasts
2Q 2014 (Navigant Research)
“Falling prices for light-emitting diode (LED) street lights have spurred a global transition from older lamp technologies…[P]ayback periods are becoming reasonable with or without subsidies. Residents in cities worldwide are appreciating the improved nighttime visibility…[and] city managers are enjoying the cost savings…[M]ost LED upgrades continue to be completed without any additional controls beyond simple photocells. After years of pilot control projects, however, a growing number of large-scale networked systems have proven that networked systems can work and can provide real benefits. These smart street lighting systems can provide substantial energy savings and a host of non-energy benefits. Yet, as LED prices continue to erode and the long lifespan of LED lamps results in fewer replacements, overall revenue from street lighting will begin to fall. Navigant Research forecasts that global street lighting revenue will decline from $2.5 billion in 2014 to $2.3 billion in 2023…” click here for more
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