NewEnergyNews More: The Climate Change Fight Will Boost The Economy

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  • Tuesday, August 23, 2016

    The Climate Change Fight Will Boost The Economy

    How a War on Climate Change Could Restore Economic Growth in America

    Wade Roush, August 23, 2016 (Xconomy)

    Editor’s note: Lots of valuable history and economics in this one.

    "…[Slow economic growth and climate change are likely the biggest challenges facing the U.S. right now and] both problems pose a threat to our way of life, so we can’t prioritize just one…It would be fruitless to fixate on growing the economic pie, and/or slicing it up more equitably, if we knew that whole pie was about to be charbroiled…[But] the two problems have a common solution…[T]he massive investments needed to blunt the effects of climate change—in areas like zero-carbon energy and transportation technology and climate-change adaptation—are exactly the same kinds of investments we would make if we wanted to restore our aging infrastructure, strengthen manufacturing, provide millions of people with new skills, put them to work in rewarding jobs, and boost overall productivity…[T]echnological change does not regress—it only goes forward. The question is whether we’re smart and level-headed enough to tackle both of our scariest threats at once…” click here for more

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