NewEnergyNews More: The New Energy In The Oceans

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  • Monday, January 30, 2017

    The New Energy In The Oceans

    Green Energy from the Blue Ocean

    24 January 2017 (Military Technologies)

    “…There is vast potential for using [the energy in waves, tides, and currents in the ocean] to provide clean, renewable energy to…the nearly half of the U.S. population that lives within 50 miles of the coastlines…[Estimates suggest that the amount of energy that could feasibly be captured from U.S. waves, tides and river currents is enough to power over 67 million homes and the country could be producing 13,000 MW of power from hydrokinetic energy by 2025, which would be equivalent to displacing 22 new dirty coal-fired power plants, according to the Union of Concerned Scienists]…The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) [marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) technologies program recently announced $20 million in funding for projects…[Its $2.25 million, 20-month Wave Energy Prize challenge was won by AquaHarmonics, CalWave Power Technologies, Waveswing America…” click here for more

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