NewEnergyNews More: Buildings Designed To Weather Climate Change

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  • Tuesday, April 10, 2018

    Buildings Designed To Weather Climate Change

    How can architects design facades for the age of climate change?

    Jonathan Hilburg, April 9, 2018 (The Architects Newspaper)

    “Taking environmental stresses into account when designing a building is typical, but rising tides, heat waves, extreme winds and other climate change-driven conditions present new challenges to building envelopes…[Yan Chu of Adamson Associates facade and mechanical system designs are now based on current climatic data but climate change requires] a more fundamental rethinking…[But climate change is going to create] a whole new level of weather conditions…There is a whole sector of the design community trying to address resiliency and survivability…[That should be folded] into the design process…[The passive house strategy is] a holistic way of thinking of design…[Designing for the most recent codes will not meet the need of the next code. The biggest challenge is how to create incentives for] buildings owners, occupants, and designers to address climate change without depending on the building code…” click here for more

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