NewEnergyNews More: A Plan To Attack Climate Change

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  • Tuesday, January 15, 2019

    A Plan To Attack Climate Change

    Seven-point plan to help tackle growing threat of climate change: Report

    January 14, 2019 (The Economic Times)

    A seven-point plan may help policy-makers devise new, coherent and collaborative strategies to fight the greatest global environmental threats…[P]oliticians and legislators can develop a new way to tackle the growing threat of climate change…[in response to the recent IPCC report showing] that the human impacts on the environment are already tipping the world into…[the Anthropocene, a] new era is defined by the effect human-kind has already caused on Earth, from mass extinctions of plant and animal species to polluted oceans and altered atmosphere…

    [The paper argues] there also needs to be a new way to tackle the geographical, boundary, spatial, ecological and socio-political complexities of the issue…[because] there are multiple threats to the resilience of the Earth systems…[It offers no 'simple solutions', but outlines] seven guiding principles to help tackle the growing environmental threat brought by man-made climate change. These include selecting existing, robust policies to help formulate policy decisions, the need for decisions to be made consistently across regional, national and global boundaries, and a more conclusive look at the true extent that the environment is being impacted…” click here for more


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