NewEnergyNews More: Key To The Climate Crisis Fight

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  • Monday, July 15, 2019

    Key To The Climate Crisis Fight

    The most important thing you can do right now to fight climate change, according to science; It is "massively important" we all start talking about climate change, a Yale researcher explains.

    Joe Room, July 11, 2019 (ThinkProgress)

    Americans rarely talk about climate change with family and friends…Tragically, research shows that this climate silence reinforces the dangerously wrong belief that climate change isn’t an existential threat requiring urgent action…[J]ust discussing the issue with friends and family leads them to learn more facts about the climate crisis, which in turn leads to greater understanding and concern…[Climatologist Michael Mann said the study shows that the] more people actually understand about the science of climate change, the more they are likely to accept the scientific consensus — that climate change is real, human-caused, and a threat to human civilization…

    [M]ost Americans ‘rarely’ or ‘never’ talk about climate change with family and friends…[which, according to the research,] leads the public to underestimate how many other Americans realize climate change is happening…[A 2018 study found that] only 11 percent of the U.S. public correctly estimate the scientific consensus on climate change as higher than 90 percent…[Yelling people how big the actual consensus is] increases their perception of the scientific norm by 16.2 percentage points on a 100-point scale…[By tracking awareness over time, the new study showed] increased perceptions of scientific agreement led to increases in discussions about climate change…[and] climate conversations can initiate a positively reinforcing cycle between learning, worry, and further conversation…” click here for more


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