NewEnergyNews More: Coal’s Demise, New Energy’s Rise

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  • Monday, October 14, 2019

    Coal’s Demise, New Energy’s Rise

    Coal demand projected to hit new lows through 2020

    Rebecca Beitsch, October 10, 2019 (The Hill)

    “Coal is losing ground in the U.S. energy markets despite attempts from President Trump to boost the struggling industry…[Coal’s share of U.S. electricity generation] is expected to decline] from 28 percent in 2018 to 22 percent by 2020…That would make for a 27 percent decline in coal production since 2016…Utilities across the county have announced they will be closing various coal-fired power plants, while banks have been hesitant to finance the industry’s projects…

    The Trump administration has made an effort to boost the coal industry, scrapping an Obama-era power plant rule and replacing it with one critics have contended would only allow the most modest pollution controls at power plants…[New Energy’s share of U.S. electricity generation is forecast to go] from just under 10 percent in 2018 to 12 percent by 2020…[with carbon emissions declining] by about 2 percent in 2019 and 2020, despite a nearly 3 percent rise in 2018.” click here for more


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