NewEnergyNews More: New Energy Jobs Outreach For Vets

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  • Monday, November 11, 2019

    New Energy Jobs Outreach For Vets

    New Solar Veterans Initiatives to Advance Training and Career Pathways in the Solar Industry

    November 11, 2019 (The Solar Foundation)

    “…[Two new solar workforce development programs] connect transitioning military service members and veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces with career training, professional development, and employment opportunities in the solar industry…[They are intended to] expand and strengthen a nationwide pipeline of talented job candidates with military experience into a range of advanced roles at solar companies across the United States…[The Solar Ready Vets Fellowship Program and the Solar Opportunities and Readiness (SOAR) Initiative] are funded by the U.S. Department of Energy]…Through the Solar Ready Vets Fellowship Program, hundreds of service members will be placed into 12-week work-based learning programs with solar employers to facilitate their transition from active duty to civilian careers.

    These service members will come from select military bases in regions with high demand for solar workers…[It] will be focused mainly on management and professional roles, such as technical sales, system design, supply chain logistics, project development, and operations, in addition to installation. Through placement with industry employers, service members will receive valuable on-the-job training, professional development, and career guidance…[T]he SOAR Initiative will connect veterans with a range of solar training, credentialing, professional development, and employment opportunities…[and] establish a Department of Labor-recognized apprenticeship; expand the eligibility of solar training for GI Bill benefits; and define expedited pathways to solar certifications based on military experience and qualifications…” click through for more info


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