Abandoned towns should go green: Opposition
Aja Styles, February 5, 2009 (WA Today)
"Green power is the solution to Ravensthorpe's and Hopetoun's employment and property woes, according to Opposition spokeswoman for Regional Development, Alannah MacTiernan.
"The South Coast towns have been the hardest hit by the global financial crisis since BHP Billiton announced the closure of its local nickel mine and the dismissal of 1800 workers."

"Ms MacTiernan has dismissed the State Government's development of a $60 million road through the region's Fitzgerald National Park to enhance tourism and jobs as "controversial" and short-term…
"She said $30 million would be better spent developing wave or biomass technology, which could supply power to a lithium mining project being proposed for the area.
She said there was also community concern that the road could spread dieback through the forest…"

"…a trial of an oil mallee biomass plant in Narrogin had already proven successful and could be developed in Ravensthorpe at a commercial scale, providing five megawatts of power to local communities and the mine…
"Wave technology being trailed in Albany was another possibility and could be created at Hopetoun, with seawater desalination being another potential outcome…the mine was undergoing feasibility assessments but if launched could create up to 100 permanent jobs…it would take two years to develop either of the two renewable energy power plants…The projects would be viable for Commonwealth funding."
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