Solar energy advocates rally in Tally
Zac Anderson, March 24, 2009 (Sarasota Herald Tribune)
"Energy reform advocates from across Florida [including business people and elected leaders] made their way to [the state capital of] Tallahassee…to lobby for a solar energy incentive program that would make it profitable for anyone with open land or roof space to go solar…
"The [lobbyists] planned to meet with state legislators to press their case for a "feed-in tariff" system that has been adopted by 46 countries and the City of Gainesville [through Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU)]."

"A special focus…is Rep. Ron Reagan, R-Bradenton, one of the top leaders in the House of Representatives. Advocates suspect Reagan of blocking efforts to have a full hearing on the feed-in tariff debate."

"Florida's large electric companies have strongly opposed feed-in tariffs, which would require the electric companies to buy solar energy at a premium rate from anyone would builds a system.
"Reagan recieved $3,000 for his 2008 election campaign from political action committees associated with Florida Power & Light, Tampa Electric Company and Progress Energy...Florida Alliance For Renewable Energy [held] a press conference…in the Capitol to try and put pressure on Reagan and other lawmakers."
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