Backers pleased by Iowa's alternative energy efforts
May 26, 2009 (AP via Cedar Valley Daily Times)
"Two years into an effort to boost Iowa's alternative energy industry, the state [Office of Energy Independence] has given $35 million to established businesses, startups and academics to spur growth in the state.
"In return, officials said Iowa has seen 2,300 new jobs and the state has taken its place as a leader in the field…The [Office of Energy Independence] coordinates the Iowa Power Fund, a four-year program that offers $100 million for alternative energy projects…So far, there have been 196 applications totaling more than $389 million. A board has approved 24 projects and distributed $35,227,080, which supporters said leveraged $190.4 million in other funding."

"Projects range from a $1.5 million effort to reduce the cost of drying the distillers grain byproduct of ethanol in Ames to $250,000 for vertical wind turbine manufacturing in Oxford. Other efforts involve biodiesel, biomass briquettes and the production of methane from cattle manure.
"Gov. Chet Culver has bet much of his political future on alternative energy. The power fund was a centerpiece of his campaign for governor, and he managed to push the program through the Legislature…Lawmakers have allocated $49.6 million for the effort over the last two years…The governor's alternative energy efforts have been largely popular in the Legislature, although some have questioned oversight of the power fund…[because] the state loses its investment if a project fails…[If it succeeds] the state benefits through additional taxes paid by workers and the businesses."

"Iowa's efforts come at a time when national energy consumption is projected to grow by 23 percent in the next 20 years…Iowa is among 29 states that have adopted renewable energy standards. Iowa was one of the first states to do so, requiring in 1983 that 2 percent of the state's energy would come from renewable source. The state met that goal in 1999.
"By the end of 2008, 15 percent of the electricity generated in Iowa came from wind power. That's up from 5 percent in 2006 and leaves Iowa ranked second nationally in wind power capacity…That puts Iowa on a par with many European nations that have stressed alternative energy for decades. Denmark, for instance, gets 20 percent of its electricity from wind…"
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